9th September PM – Job 38

God’s response to Job furnishes a crushing indictment of human arrogance and declares boldly how God’s thoughts are higher than ours. But for the Christian this is a sweet thing – in our poverty his riches gleam all the more brightly to our eyes, in our foolishness his wisdom leaves us in awe, and in…

9th September AM – Joshua 10

The decimation of the Canaanites at Joshua’s hand gives many pause. How are we to understand what was done? Was it necessary? The answer may lie in a proper appreciation of the terrible state of Canaan in those days, and a right appreciation of the terrible nature of sin. 9th September 2018 AM – Martyn…

2nd September PM – 2 Peter 1

We begin a new series on the second epistle of Peter. This letter has many things to say to us in the modern era about the dangers of backsliding and what we should or should not be willing to do in the name of evangelism. 2nd September 2018 PM – Martyn Owens 2 Peter Download