The Armour of God (Ephesians 6 v. 10 ff.)

At the end of this epistle, Paul talks ‘finally’ about the armour of God. Was this an afterthought? Or was it an exposition of how his readers ought to be prepared for the inevitable battles that accompany the Christian walk?   For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against…

Rejoicing at the Hearing of God’s Word (Neh. 8 vv. 9-12)

In the preceding verses, we’ve seen how there was an almost unprecedented enthusiasm to hear the Word of God among the returned exiles. Now, in these verses, we see the people’s mourning because of their sin, and strangely, a rebuke for it. Why do the Levites try to quell this sorrow?   …for this day…