13th May PM – 1 Peter 5

As we come to the end of 1 Peter, we find Peter’s call to humility and courage to a suffering church. In this sermon, we find ourselves receiving this twin call that is the secret to Christian courage.

13th May AM – Joshua 1

The book of Joshua begins with a calling to Joshua, Moses’s assistant, to bring the people of Israel into the Promised Land. What is the source of his courage in the face of this daunting task?

6th May PM – 1 Peter 5

1 Peter 5 begins with a call to the shepherds of God’s flock – the overseers of the church – to exercise their office not selfishly or in a domineering way, but clothed with the mind of Christ. And in this we find a pattern for all Christians whatever our roles in the church of […]

29th April PM – 1 Peter 4

In the midst of Christian suffering, there is an outstanding opportunity for the incontrovertible showing of the grace of God to all around. We resume Peter’s letter to a church on the brink of a fiery trial.

29th April AM – Joshua 1

The judgment that came on the people of Canaan is a reminder to us today of the judgment that is to come at the end of the age. And the cry now is of the offer of the kingdom of God and His salvation before it is too late.