7th October PM – 2 Peter 1

Martyn Owens looks at three questions raised by the introduction to 2 Peter: Do we know God as our Saviour? Does the world look at the Church and see a reflection of Christ? Are you partaker of the nature of God? 7th October 2018 PM – Martyn Owens 2 Peter 1 Download

15th April AM – 2 Timothy 4

2 Timothy ends with Paul’s last bits of advice to Timothy about various enemies of the gospel, and his desire to see his beloved co-worker again. There is much about to learn about the life of the church from the close of this epistle.

25th March AM – Matthew 21

The life and death of Jesus Christ forever changed the course of history. And it continues to do so to this day.

25th February AM – 2 Timothy 3

Paul exhorts TImothy to be as a ready workman trained in the Word of God. This calling extends to all Christians, whether called to the ministry, which exists for nothing but the preaching of the Word, or to be faithful witnesses in every sphere we inhabit. The Church of Jesus Christ is built and established […]