15th of December PM – The Theology of Job’s Friends

What strikes us as we read Job is the terrible onslaught of Job’s comforters! As we look at this closer, we find that they are suffering from an almost-right theology that leads them to their wrong conclusions. Martyn Owens – Job

17th of November AM – Who the Lord Is

One of the key takeaways from the eighteenth Psalm is that the greatest comfort to the Christian lies in an abiding remembrance of God’s nature. Martyn Owens – Psalm 18:7-15

14th October PM – 2 Peter 1

2 Peter is a letter of encouragement to a suffering church. Peter encourages this church in its weakness to grow in their walk with the Lord, and comforts them with the knowledge that God is with them. 14th October 2018 PM – Martyn Owens 2 Peter 1 Download

15th April PM – 1 Peter 4

In the face of a terrible storm of persecution that was coming over the Philippian church, Peter asks the church to rejoice! How are we to understand this seemingly incongruous advice?