11th November AM – Judges 1

Joshua was a stark reminder of the fate of a world set against God; of the coming final judgment. Judges is a dire warning to the Christian and to the Church of the dangers of forgetting God. We kick off a new series in Judges with a reminder of what defined the people of God. […]

30th September AM – Joshua 15

The conquest of the Promised Land and the leadership and actions and boldness of Joshua and Caleb seem like they are a far-cry from the needs and wants of the church in the modern world. And yet the lessons of faithfulness of man to God and more importantly God to man are timeless. 30th September […]

2nd September PM – 2 Peter 1

We begin a new series on the second epistle of Peter. This letter has many things to say to us in the modern era about the dangers of backsliding and what we should or should not be willing to do in the name of evangelism. 2nd September 2018 PM – Martyn Owens 2 Peter Download

26th August PM – Mark 4

In the parable of the sower, Christ illustrates four responses to the Gospel and offers a sober warning for Christians to test themselves and see which soil they are. But the same parable also brings out the beauty of the Gospel, and its life-giving declaration of freedom from sin and reconciliation with God. 26th August […]

6th May PM – 1 Peter 5

1 Peter 5 begins with a call to the shepherds of God’s flock – the overseers of the church – to exercise their office not selfishly or in a domineering way, but clothed with the mind of Christ. And in this we find a pattern for all Christians whatever our roles in the church of […]