11th November AM – Judges 1

Joshua was a stark reminder of the fate of a world set against God; of the coming final judgment. Judges is a dire warning to the Christian and to the Church of the dangers of forgetting God. We kick off a new series in Judges with a reminder of what defined the people of God. […]
28th October AM – Joshua 24

Joshua calls the children of Israel together one last time to give them his last warnings and instructions, and to remind them of all that God has done for them to make them His people. 28th October 2018 AM – Martyn Owens Joshua 24 v 14 Download
21st October AM – Joshua 21

Not long after Israel settles in the land, there is alarm! The tribes across the Jordan have erected an altar against the commandments of God. And yet there is more to this than meets the eye. The church was also pleased to welcome new members, and we were blessed to hear their testimonies. 21st October […]
14th October AM – Joshua 19

After their many struggles the people of God take the Promised Land and it falls to Joshua to leave Israel this legacy. 14th October 2018 AM – Martyn Owens Joshua 19 v 49 Download
30th September AM – Joshua 15

The conquest of the Promised Land and the leadership and actions and boldness of Joshua and Caleb seem like they are a far-cry from the needs and wants of the church in the modern world. And yet the lessons of faithfulness of man to God and more importantly God to man are timeless. 30th September […]
23rd September AM – Joshua 12

The conquest of the land in Joshua is a picture to us of the victory that God wins in our lives in redeeming us from the judgment due our sin, and then cleansing us of it for the rest of our lives until we go to glory. But this isn’t just for us – it […]
9th September AM – Joshua 10

The decimation of the Canaanites at Joshua’s hand gives many pause. How are we to understand what was done? Was it necessary? The answer may lie in a proper appreciation of the terrible state of Canaan in those days, and a right appreciation of the terrible nature of sin. 9th September 2018 AM – Martyn […]
26th August AM – Joshua 10

Not long after the Gibeonites are accepted as part of the people of Israel, trouble brews. An alliance of kings seeks to make quick work of this new alliance before it becomes an unstoppable threat. Can Joshua save Gibeah before it is too late? 26th August 2018 AM – Martyn Owens Joshua 10 Download
13th May AM – Joshua 1

The book of Joshua begins with a calling to Joshua, Moses’s assistant, to bring the people of Israel into the Promised Land. What is the source of his courage in the face of this daunting task?
29th April AM – Joshua 1

The judgment that came on the people of Canaan is a reminder to us today of the judgment that is to come at the end of the age. And the cry now is of the offer of the kingdom of God and His salvation before it is too late.