28th October PM – 2 Peter 1
John Calvin said that although God saves us by faith alone, yet the faith that saves is not alone. The mercies and graces of God are not deserved by anyone, and yet their presence in a person’s life will make a difference in how they live. There is no contradiction in saying that we are […]
21st October AM – Joshua 21
Not long after Israel settles in the land, there is alarm! The tribes across the Jordan have erected an altar against the commandments of God. And yet there is more to this than meets the eye. The church was also pleased to welcome new members, and we were blessed to hear their testimonies. 21st October […]
14th October AM – Joshua 19
After their many struggles the people of God take the Promised Land and it falls to Joshua to leave Israel this legacy. 14th October 2018 AM – Martyn Owens Joshua 19 v 49 Download
9th September AM – Joshua 10
The decimation of the Canaanites at Joshua’s hand gives many pause. How are we to understand what was done? Was it necessary? The answer may lie in a proper appreciation of the terrible state of Canaan in those days, and a right appreciation of the terrible nature of sin. 9th September 2018 AM – Martyn […]
29th April AM – Joshua 1
The judgment that came on the people of Canaan is a reminder to us today of the judgment that is to come at the end of the age. And the cry now is of the offer of the kingdom of God and His salvation before it is too late.