After Eliphaz’s and Job’s exchange, Bildad steps into the fray. He talks of a God of stern justice that allows for no mercy. Bildad’s theology is one that has no place for suffering endured by one who does not deserve it, and thus has no place for redemptive suffering, no place for the cross. Martyn…
The conquest of the Promised Land and the leadership and actions and boldness of Joshua and Caleb seem like they are a far-cry from the needs and wants of the church in the modern world. And yet the lessons of faithfulness of man to God and more importantly God to man are timeless. 30th September…
God’s response to Job furnishes a crushing indictment of human arrogance and declares boldly how God’s thoughts are higher than ours. But for the Christian this is a sweet thing – in our poverty his riches gleam all the more brightly to our eyes, in our foolishness his wisdom leaves us in awe, and in…
The judgment that came on the people of Canaan is a reminder to us today of the judgment that is to come at the end of the age. And the cry now is of the offer of the kingdom of God and His salvation before it is too late.
The life and death of Jesus Christ forever changed the course of history. And it continues to do so to this day.