23rd of February AM – 1 Samuel – David in Philistia

We come to the end of 1 Samuel where we find David fleeing and taking refuge among the Philistines. Just like Saul, who has been rejected by God for his disobedience, David too makes mistakes while leading his men. But the difference is that David always turned back to the Lord and sought him for […]

9th of February AM – Saul

The people of Israel demand a king despite Samuel’s warnings, and choose Saul. How will the reign of Israel’s first king go? Martyn Owens – 1 Samuel

28th October AM – Joshua 24

Joshua calls the children of Israel together one last time to give them his last warnings and instructions, and to remind them of all that God has done for them to make them His people. 28th October 2018 AM – Martyn Owens Joshua 24 v 14 Download

21st October AM – Joshua 21

Not long after Israel settles in the land, there is alarm! The tribes across the Jordan have erected an altar against the commandments of God. And yet there is more to this than meets the eye. The church was also pleased to welcome new members, and we were blessed to hear their testimonies. 21st October […]