26th of January PM – Job 5 – Eliphaz, Part Two
We continue looking at the speech of Eliphaz. What we find is a man who thinks that he can help Job with all his wisdom, which is nothing but a worldly wisdom. Yet his words are quite empty as they are not true reflections of either reality or the situation and character of Job himself. […]
20th of October AM – The Kinsman-Redeemer
We continue looking at the book of Ruth and this important concept of the kinsman-redeemer. Martyn Owens – Ruth 3-4
23rd September AM – Joshua 12
The conquest of the land in Joshua is a picture to us of the victory that God wins in our lives in redeeming us from the judgment due our sin, and then cleansing us of it for the rest of our lives until we go to glory. But this isn’t just for us – it […]