16th of February AM – 1 Samuel – David Anointed
The people’s choice — Saul — turns out to be a disaster who is rejected by God for his disobedience. Now God sends Samuel to anoint a man after His own heart, David. Martyn Owens – 1 Samuel
9th of February AM – Saul
The people of Israel demand a king despite Samuel’s warnings, and choose Saul. How will the reign of Israel’s first king go? Martyn Owens – 1 Samuel
26th of January PM – Job 5 – Eliphaz, Part Two
We continue looking at the speech of Eliphaz. What we find is a man who thinks that he can help Job with all his wisdom, which is nothing but a worldly wisdom. Yet his words are quite empty as they are not true reflections of either reality or the situation and character of Job himself. […]
26th of January AM – 1 Samuel 5-6 – Overview of Samuel
We continue with our overview of the book of Samuel and look at the lamentable state of Israel at the time, as typified by the priesthood of the time. Martyn Owens – 1 Samuel
12th of January AM – 1 Samuel 3 – The Context of Samuel
We start a new book — first Samuel. As we come to this book, we look at the whole context of Samuel and the period of time it deals with, as well as the main themes of the book. Martyn Owens – 1 Samuel 3