15th of March AM – Acts 1 – The Promised Spirit

We continue our new series on Acts with Acts 1. Last time we looked at the ending of Luke where Jesus ascended into heaven. Here, Luke recounts the event and recounts that Jesus commanded His disciples to remain in Jerusalem and wait for the gift that was promised. Martyn Owens – Acts 1

8th of March PM – Job 11 – Zophar Speaks

Job’s friend Zophar speaks and is aggressive in his condemning Job. What is striking is that unless the context of Zophar’s speech is seen, some of what he says is quite quotable and true. How are we to understand the difference, for example, between Zophar’s extolling the depths of God and that of the apostles? […]

23rd of February PM – Job 9 – Job’s Missing Mediator

Job responds to Bildad. What stands out in Job’s response is his despair that there can be no fair trial between him and God, since the Lord is so exalted and transcendent above him. He despairs that there is no mediator. Martyn Owens – Job 9

23rd of February AM – 1 Samuel – David in Philistia

We come to the end of 1 Samuel where we find David fleeing and taking refuge among the Philistines. Just like Saul, who has been rejected by God for his disobedience, David too makes mistakes while leading his men. But the difference is that David always turned back to the Lord and sought him for […]

16th of February PM – Job 8 – Bildad’s Speech

After Eliphaz’s and Job’s exchange, Bildad steps into the fray. He talks of a God of stern justice that allows for no mercy. Bildad’s theology is one that has no place for suffering endured by one who does not deserve it, and thus has no place for redemptive suffering, no place for the cross. Martyn […]

9th of February AM – Saul

The people of Israel demand a king despite Samuel’s warnings, and choose Saul. How will the reign of Israel’s first king go? Martyn Owens – 1 Samuel